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xSynthesis Consulting Services are characterized with high professionalism and understanding of teamwork is a main emphasis of the training program for all of our team members.
Overall system performance results from a mixture of (C) hardware and (A & B) software performance. Furthermore, software breaks up into the (A) particular application (such as xSynthesis Applications) and the (B) overall Operating System and added services performance. For more on these elements/ aspects that contribute to system performance, see the following sections.
(A) xSynthesis Software Applications Performance
It is relatively easy to have an application or a system, but assuring that it can scale as your business grows and that it can address the peak times of your business is quite another matter.
We carefully design and test our applications with high performance in mind. Also, we have long experience with web site performance and tuning, as well as Microsoft Sql Server performance and tuning. Finally, and not lastly, is desktop performance and tuning. When all of these parts are working well, you will have a system with which your customers and users will have a satisfying experience.
(B) Operating System (OS)/ Services Performance
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