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xSynthesis Consulting Services are characterized with high professionalism and understanding of teamwork is a main emphasis of the training program for all of our team members.
The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable by Patrick M. Lencioni
Buy at Amazon
The Three Signs of a Miserable Job: A Fable for Managers (and Their
Employees) by Patrick M. Lencioni
at Amazon (you can also see Amazon.com Exclusive video interview
with Patrick Lencioni on The Three Signs of a Miserable Job).
Teamwork is often talked about, but not enough practiced
discipline in the business world, as well as other areas of
life. It consists of simple principles, but not always easy
to integrate into one's behavior.
As this old Mexican proverb states, it is not really about
knowing what is teamwork that is the difficulty, but
actually doing it every day is the main challenge:
The Saints did not
pray to the Good Lord for instructions on what to do.
The Bible was already clear on what was expected of
them. Nevertheless, the Saints got down on their knees
every day of the their lives - to pray that, in spite of
daily temptations, they could find the courage and
strength to do the right thing. - Old Mexican
We see the following three points as crucial to true
Some additional resources you may find helpful on these subjects are:
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